
About Me

  • Occupation: Piano TutorFinancial Consultant 
  • Job Scope: Teaching, attending courses, sourcing soloists for student collaborations, planning recitals and examinations, accompanying, transcription, backing tracks, re-scoring, analyzing.

  • Current Hobby: Comping and Ensemble
  • Favorite Genres: Classical, Orchestral, Jazz
  • Education: ATCL, Bachelor of Economics, Diploma in Architecture Technology

When I was young, I found piano practice tedious and often arrived at lessons unprepared and sleepy. My mother withdrew me from my first instructor when she discovered that I struggled with reading notation. At that time, we didn’t realize I had dyslexia, which made certain skills quite challenging. My second teacher invested a great deal of effort to help me pass my Grade 1 examination, but ultimately, she felt compelled to let me go due to my lack of progress. 


It wasn’t until I completed my ATCL diploma that I developed a true appreciation for the piano. For me, the piano is a fascinating tool for exploring techniques, harmony, and voicing—much like solving a complex calculus problem. Although, I must admit, advanced mathematics still gives me nightmares!


Western classical orchestral music has always captivated me, so I eagerly joined the Singapore Polytechnic String Ensemble and the Indooroopilly Chamber Orchestra in my younger years. Although my mother wasn’t impressed with the screeching sounds of beginner violinists, I chose the viola—a smaller, higher-pitched cousin of the cello. I often joke that the viola was originally intended to be held between the knees, but on some April Fool’s Day, someone convinced a prominent violist to hold it under the chin instead. Unfortunately, I bought a 15.5-inch viola and discovered my hands had stopped growing at age nine. It was too large for me, and any smaller, it would have sounded like a distressed violin.


My curiosity drives me to explore various instruments. I’ve briefly dabbled in bass guitar, standard drum set, violin, and trumpet. Currently, I’m intrigued by the double bass, but due to logistical constraints, I remain with the viola and have formed a social ensemble. If you’re interested in joining a string ensemble in the Tampines area, feel free to drop me a WhatsApp message.



About My Pedagogy Method

My primary goal is to cultivate a strong foundation, passion, and confidence in my students. I aim to help them achieve one or more of the following:

  • Progress through the grades up to ATCL.
  • Learn to play contemporary pieces independently.
  • Collaborate effectively in ensemble or jam settings.
  • Ability to apply their skill when they continue their musical journey on any instrument after completing their grade 8 exam.


Typical Activities by Grade Level:

  • Grades 1-3: Quarterly Performance classes to build stage presence and confidence.
  • Grades 4-5: Accompany other musicians to foster collaboration and listening ability.
  • Grades 6-8: Participate in masterclasses and festivals to gain broader exposure and experience.


While I’m not a strong advocate of annual exams, I do encourage students to take exams every few years to gain valuable experience. Performance is crucial for growth, teaching commitment, professionalism, and resilience. For instance, if a student commits to a concert, they are expected to perform regardless of their role’s size or any external disruptions, such as inclement weather. This experience helps students learn to forgive themselves for mistakes and view underwhelming performances as opportunities for growth.


I place a high value on collaborating with other instrumental teachers to create enriching opportunities for my students, such as accompanying soloists. This collaborative approach has inspired some of my former students to pursue group playing independently. For example, one was a keyboardist in his church band, another collaborated with her NTU CAC String Orchestra and Symphonic Band, and another one frequently accompanies his siblings, who play various instruments.


Most of my advance graded students take on the role of temporary teaching assistants during exam periods, serving as senior peers and role models for younger students. By the time they complete Grade 8, they have some basic exposure to teaching piano. Some of them have even gone on to teach their own students.


I particularly admire students with an unbreakable spirit—those who, as one of my previous teachers humorously described, are like “cockroaches.” These students work diligently to catch up with their peers and demonstrate remarkable perseverance.


For parents considering the DSA route, please note that it requires a long-term commitment starting from primary one. It involves significant time and financial investment, including premium fees for specialist teachers, extra lessons, and active parental involvement.


Finally, timely payment of fees is essential. My obligations to insurance, CPF, and other commitments are punctual, so your prompt payments are crucial to my continued operation and support for students and their families.



In 2022, I began working as a financial consultant under the guidance of my mentor (who was also my weightlifting coach). My passion for investing focuses on those nearing retirement. If you have questions about your children’s policies, education funds, or income protection, please feel free to reach out. I am committed to providing the best support for my students and their families.


Thank you for your attention and support.


my practise clip